Wednesday 31 July 2013

Day 10

The wall is now filled in, just the arches and the toppings to go

All filled in on top, to cover the gap

The Inn, the bartender is naked!

Basement at Warnet

Fireplace upstairs

The inns rooms

Double bedroom suite

Single Room
The tower at its full hight
Starting of the council chamber

Ellie has sat in Chancellor Ochato's seat!

From the top of the tower

The balcony halfway up

Looking up the tower

Tuesday 30 July 2013

Day 9

The entrance to the Arena

Arena side view

The outer walls are getting their insides finished...slowly

Every 4 blocks there is a piller around the inside of the outer walls. The pillars are now in place. Next slowly fill in the gaps between

Warnet inn at Weye

Inside of the inn from the door

Inside of the inn showing the bar with fire place behind

Upstairs at Warnet

Warnet and Weye from above, with the lovely thatch roofs

There is no update from the white gold tower today because Harriet's computer is off sick with a bad case of the blue screens :(

Monday 29 July 2013

Day 8

Steps added to the path, to make it better to walk on

The bridge to the city is now complete

All three arches in view from the Imperial city end

View from above

Bird's eye view of the completed inner walls. the tops have been added as well as the gap filled so none of the inside messiness can be seen

Ground view of the tops of the walls completed today

The door of Harriet's white gold tower
The door open, using a piston mechanism. the door is 3x2 blocks and sits a total of 3 blocks deep and 8 block wide to include and cover mechanism

The white Gold Tower, now with doors and banners. Also the gold on the roof has been redesigned a little

Inside of the tower, because it looks impressive

Sunday 28 July 2013

Day 7

Ariel Shot of the completed walls, I put the server render distance up to 7
White gold tower through the west gate
The towers on the road that approaches the Imperial City from the west

More of the bridge

Uncompteted towers, and the burners

Experiment to see if a sign will remain on a burning block

The bridge from above

Bridge from the side

Nirnroot texture, made with paint.NET and replaces the dead bush
Nirnroot texture as it looks out of game

Weye at the end of the bridge to the Imperial city, roof is made from hay bales

Weye from above

Saturday 27 July 2013

Day 6

Finishing the outside of the outer walls, with a diameter of 218 blocks it has taken the whole day

The wall now is joined up

Friday 26 July 2013

Day 5

Barrels in the stable

A more lore correct inside, after looking at a walk through I did a little furniture movement

The rocks by the stable and the beginning of the walls

The road on the approch to the stables

Aerial shot of the walls and the stables, the carriage needs to move 6 blocks down

All the outer walls have been marked out ready to build

The start of the walls
Harriet standing on her baby, the white gold tower. we added the gold to our tower as we thought that is how it should have been in the games

The base of the tower is complete and the top has reached cloud level. Some changes need to be made to the gold on the tower.