Friday 11 October 2013

Day 82

Today was more work on the prison

We have begun the temple of the one, we are doing the ruined version with the Akatosh statue in it

The ruined walls from the sides

The first attempt at the foot, just to see how to scale it

The walls from the sides

The bloated float, this was really hard because the boat is diagonal

From the front, ready to sail away while you sleep there

The prow, this still needs another little bit on it, just need to work out how to make the sail at the front

The boat from above, it shows the angle we built it on

The finished waterfront houses from above

The Methredhel's house and the beggars bed rolls

The abandoned shack

Harriet adding in trees and rocks

Gates through to the dock side of the waterfront

The warehouses built into the walls

More warehouses, these are the Imperial trading company

Stern of the bloated float

Gate to the shacks area

Chests outside the warehouses

Looking up the path to the docks from the shacks

Completed shack from the water

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